Pažymėjimų rengimas žingsnis-po-žingsnio

Erasmus+ jaunimo srities ir Europos solidarumo korpuso programų patvirtintų projektų dalyviai turi teisę gauti pripažinimą už dalyvavimą ir mokymąsi projektuose. Šiam tikslui sukurta priemonė - Youthpass pažymėjimas.

Pažymėjimus išduoda organizacija arba projekte dalyvaujantis jaunimo darbuotojas/lyderis. Priklausomai nuo projekto tipo, šį vaidmenį gali atlikti grupės lyderis, ugdomasis vadovas, mentorius, mokymo vadovas ar komandos narys. Norėdami išduoti „Youthpass“ pažymėjimus, vadovaukitės toliau pateikiamomis instrukcijomis, kurios padės jums žingsnis po žingsnio atlikti parengimo procesą.

1 žingsnis: Prisijunkite prie Youthpass

Please register on the Youthpass website, entering your personal details. After registering, the password will be sent to you by e-mail. Upon your first visit, please change the password through the 'Edit your personal details' link.

To be able to create certificates, you will also need to enter your organisation details. You can do so once you log into your account and click on the 'Manage your organisations' link. Please ensure the information is entered correctly because the information about the organisation will also be displayed on the Youthpass certificate. In case you are about to create certificates on behalf of another organisation, you can add the other organisation to your account at a later stage.

Please note that you can only upload one logo image per organisation.

2 Žingsnis: Įveskite projekto informaciją

Įvedę projekto dotacijos numerį, pateikite išsamią informaciją apie patvirtintą projektą. Įsitikinkite, kad duomenys užpildyti teisingai, ir patikrinkite, ar nepadaryta spausdinimo klaidų, nes ši informacija bus rodoma pažymėjimuose.

3 žingsnis: Įveskite projekto veiklas

Please enter the activity(ies) of your project. Your project may include only one activity (such as a Youth Exchange) or several activities (such as a preparatory visit and a Youth Exchange). You can continue adding new activities (and entering/editing the relevant activity data) as you wish for your project. However, please pay attention to adding only the activities that are relevant to the individuals for whom you wish to generate certificates (for example a preparatory visit where the participants took part may be relevant, whereas a preparatory meeting of partners would not be relevant). Please pay attention to entering the correct information and keep the information concise as this information may be displayed on the certificates.

Important: If the certificate is issued for only one activity, the information you will enter in the "Activity title" and "Activity description" fields will overwrite the information you entered in the project details (in the "Project title" and "Project description" fields).

4 žingsnis: Įveskite asmenis

Please provide the details of the individuals in your project. You will need to choose whether a certain individual for whom you will generate certificates was a participant or a team member. This choice may influence the competence framework offered to describe the learning outcomes.

Make sure that the details are filled in correctly and check for typing mistakes, as this information will be displayed on the certificates.

The following tips may be useful:

You can upload a spreadsheet with all individuals' data, instead of entering the information one by one. The spreadsheet has to meet the following minimum criteria: 1) The first row of the table contains headings for the columns; 2) Each following row represents one individual; 3) The minimum data to upload from the file is the first and the last name of the individuals, in separate columns. However, we suggest you to upload the country of residence and email address as well, in order to avoid doing this manually at a later stage.

You can invite the individuals to insert or edit their own details and to write up their self-assessment. For sending an automated invitation to the participants, please make sure you have entered their e-mail addresses.

5 žingsnis: Patvirtinkite ir sugeneruokite pažymėjimus

Please validate the certificates by providing the place and date of signature as well as the full name of the representative of your organisation signing the certificate.

The certificates are generated as a pdf file. To open the file, you need Adobe Reader. You can download it free of charge by clicking here or on the icon on the right. After the certificates have been generated, they are ready to be printed out and signed.

Naudinga žinoti

„Youthpass“ techninė priemonė sukurta taip, kad pažymėjimus galėtumėte parengti prieš pradėdami veiklą: galite užpildyti didžiąją dalį prašomos informacijos, kuri jau yra žinoma (pvz., informaciją apie projektą, veiklą, asmenis ir t. t.), ir ją išsaugoti. Taip galite sutaupyti šiek tiek laiko ir geriau susitelkti į mokymosi rezultatų aprašymus projekto metu ir jo pabaigoje.

Jei prie projekto norite dirbti su keliais žmonėmis, galite juos įtraukti kaip redaktorius. Taip pat savo projektui galite įjungti YANS - Youthpass automatinę pranešimų sistemą - ir nuolat gauti aktualią informaciją apie su Youthpass susijusias užduotis.

We hope you will enjoy working on Youthpass! For Step 1: Sign up now - please click here.