Recognition testimonials

Do you know of organisations or people who have done a great job in creating better visibility for youth work or volunteering, or benefitted from such recognition efforts? If so, please forward the invitation below to them.

SALTO Training and Cooperation is looking for testimonials on recognition! The stories may include work with Youthpass but don’t have to. They may refer to various dimensions of recognition: individual, social, formal, or political. The deadline for submissions is Monday, April 7, 2025.

We are looking for:

  • Experiences within youth work and/or volunteering organisations, of working with recognition and validation
  • Experiences of people who have benefitted from recognition practices, either with Youthpass or other

The testimonials should be sent to Eda Bakir at as a short text of maximum 1 page and include the following elements:

  • Title of the experience
  • Context: country, shortly about the organisation and target groups, anything else that might be relevant to understand the context
  • The description of the recognition practice
  • How has it/does it benefit the target group of the organisation or the person describing their experiences
  • The name of the person/organisation and contact data
  • 1-2 photos to illustrate the experience
  • If relevant: quotes to illustrate the experience

The testimonials are to be published on and presented at the International Seminar “Recognition of Non-Formal Learning in Youth Sector” that will take place 20-23 May 2025 in Tbilisi, Georgia. Selected examples may also be included in the revised handbook on recognition strategies “Unlocking Doors to Recognition”.
Please note that SALTO may make a selection among the submitted testimonials and shorten or edit the text before publishing. 

We are grateful if you can share this with relevant contacts. Looking forward to reading about the inspiring recognition examples out there!

Kind regards,

Youthpass Team